EPRI Europe
Founded in 2019 and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, EPRI Europe is a non-profit organisation, conducting objective and independent energy and environmental research, development and demonstration projects, for the benefit of the public. EPRI Europe is the European research arm of EPRI, a world-recognised non-profit RD&D membership organization with global reach.
EPRI Europe is the project coordinator, which includes handling ethics questions, data management, and responsible AI-based systems, and implementing the dissemination and communication activities. EPRI Europe is also leading the WP5 on Governance Risks and Long-Term Sustainability of AI-EFFECT.
RWTH Aachen University
The Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) led by Prof. Monti at RWTH Aachen University has the goal to implement a multidisciplinary research approach to address advanced problems in grid dynamics and automation based on state of the art and beyond ICT solutions.
RWTH-ACS is leading WP2 and responsible for building and automating a distributed infrastructure to test AI algorithms based on the VILLASframework.
DNV is a world-leading provider of digital solutions for managing risk and improving safety and asset performance for ships, pipelines, processing plants, offshore structures, electric grids, smart cities and more. DNV’s open industry assurance platform Veracity, cyber security and software solutions support business-critical activities across many industries, including maritime, energy and healthcare.
DNV leads task 1.2 “Operating principles of AI-EFFECT” in WP1. The goal of this task is to ensure that the AI-EFFECT functionalities will be applicable to a wide range of applications.
Website: https://www.dnv.com/
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) plays a crucial role in the project through two departments: the Power and Energy Systems Division (PES) of the Department for Wind and Energy Systems and the Dynamical Systems (DynSys) section of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. The PES division addresses challenges in digital energy solutions, interconnected energy systems, and optimized electric technologies, focusing on the stability and integration of renewable power systems.
The DynSys section specializes in time series and statistical methods for the energy transition, with a focus on forecasting and optimization in the energy sector. DTU leads WP1, Task 1.3, and Task 2.1, developing certification algorithms for trustworthy AI in power systems and an architecture for modular interconnection in the AI-EFFECT project.
INESC TEC, a private non-profit research institution with over 35 years of experience, is a collaboration among leading Portuguese academic institutions, specializing in scientific research, technology transfer, consulting, and startup incubation, bridging academia and industry to deliver impactful, socially relevant solutions.
In AI-EFFECT, INESC TEC leads WP4, managing the deployment and validation of the TEF infrastructure across energy use cases. It also leads Task 4.1, establishing human-centric co-creation frameworks, and Task 4.3, focused on building a knowledge base, training programs, and KPI systems to support TEF’s sustainability.
enliteAI is a Europe-based deeptech venture studio focused on the creation of AI products with potential for global rollout.
We built 2 products in the AI space:
• Detekt a SaaS solution for Mobile Mapping and Geospatial Intelligence, which is already in use at high profile customers (e.g. City of Vienna).
• Energy: In the energy sector we developed an award winning approach for powergrid and congestion management.
In October 2023 we raised a seed round from Speedinvest and Breeze Invest, to further develop and scale our products with the goal to create spinouts. We are part of the Speedinvest MicroGP program, which aims to build the next generation of VCs and venture studios.
In AI-EFFECT, our main focus is in WP4 on testing the TEF with existing and newly developed AI solutions, verifying its performance, and supporting ongoing improvements.
Fraunhofer FIT
The Center for Digital Energy at Fraunhofer FIT advances digital solutions for energy systems, integrating technologies to enhance efficiency and sustainability. It focuses on smart grids, renewable energy integration, and energy data analytics for a sustainable energy landscape.
In AI-EFFECT, Fraunhofer sets up a laboratory simulating distribution systems to test AI algorithms for managing congestion and integrating distributed energy resources (DERs). Fraunhofer utilizes its existing infrastructure, including a cyber-physical lab that combines simulation and real hardware components to evaluate AI’s transition paths towards more autonomous energy systems, supporting the development of AI tools for monitoring and control.
Watt-IS develops and applies AI based Data Analytics on top of smart metering data to provide high-value services to energy utilities, grid operators and other stakeholders. Watt-IS applies their AI-powered Data Analytics services in their proprietary SaaS solutions for consumer engagement focused on energy efficiency and to manage multiple Renewable Energy Communities, but they also make them available in a AI as a Service (AIaaS) approach via API’s so that other stakeholders may use in their already existing solutions.
In AI-EFFECT Watt-IS will be mostly involved in WP4, making available AI-based solutions focused on the promotion of energy efficiency from smart metering data and optimizing the participation on Renewable Energy Communities.
Bornholms Varme A/S
Bornholms Varme A/S is the district heating producer and distributor for app. 6.800 customers on Bornholm. The production is devided into four individual grids distributing district heating to 22 small towns around Bornholm. The district heating systems has a very high penetration of sustainable energy resources from the island (woodchips and straw), which enables 100% use of locally produced sustainable fuels, in normal operation mode.
Center Denmark
Center Denmark is an independent, non-profit organization that drives digitalization and data collaboration within Denmark’s utility sector. By providing a robust data infrastructure, Center Denmark empowers energy companies, research institutions, and government agencies to improve operational efficiency, optimize resource use, and accelerate the green transition. Acting as a strategic data engineering partner, Center Denmark bridges the gap between research and industrial application, enabling data-driven insights that support sustainable innovation and foster cross-sector integration crucial for a resilient, low-carbon future.
In AI Effect Center Denmark is responsible for distribution of the relevant data from different sources to the partners on the Danish Node/usecases.
Enel is a leading multinational power company in the global power and renewables markets. It is the largest private renewable player, the top electricity distributor by grid customers, and the biggest retail operator by customer base. Operating in 28 countries, Enel is producing energy with more than 88 GW of total capacity. Enel Grids, the Group’s global business line, manages a 1.9 million km electricity distribution.
It is responsible for developing the distribution management and DER integration use case for deployment in the German node. Additionally, the company leverages its global expertise to provide insights on ethics and responsible AI.
The Delft University of Technology
The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a leading technical university, located in Delft, The Netherlands. TU Delft specializes in engineering, technology, computing, design, and natural sciences.
AI EFFECT involves the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. TU Delft developed the Control Room of the Future infrastructure and will team up with Delft AI Energy Lab to develop concept for the Dutch node. TU Delft with its partners will develop the data synthetisation tool to be used in AI-EFFECT, working with TenneT on a use case for congestion management of transmission systems.
CEVE, established in 1930, is an energy distribution company based in Louro, V. N. Famalicão (Portugal). It serves 14 parishes across Famalicão and Barcelos, providing reliable electricity to domestic, public, commercial, and industrial customers.
A key player in regional development, CEVE ensures high-quality service while fostering modernization, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. As an Energy Communities Manager and Local Distribution Network Operator, it drives innovative energy solutions and supports sustainable growth in the community.
Maynooth University
Maynooth University is a very distinctive university, a collegial institution strongly focused on the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, and equally committed to research, teaching and engagement. NUIM will lead WP3 and develop the functionalities related to the AI-EFFECT platform and will supervise its scalability potential.
IKIM is an SME specialized in digital platforms and systems development and integration, including geographically distributed architectures and their centralized management and operation. IKIM will lead the development and integration of the AI-EFFECT platform, including the data management pipeline and the overall orchestration functionalities. Moreover, IKIM will design, implement and maintain the AI-EFFECT catalogue and its onboarding procedure.
Hertie School
The Hertie School Data Science Lab is a research and training hub that tackles societal challenges with computational and data-intensive methods. The Lab’s mission is to foster, advance and promote excellence in data science research, education and application to enable better decision-making for the common good. The Data Science Lab prepares exceptional students for leadership positions in government, business and civil society, where they can leverage breakthroughs in data science and artificial intelligence to solve complex challenges of our world today.
The core research of the Data Science Lab links machine learning and computational analysis with fundamental social and environmental issues. This covers data management and data organisation; designing and conducting experiments; causal inference to evaluate the impact of policies and interventions; survey data and analysis; analysis of decision-making; machine learning and deep learning; organisational and political context; and ethical and governance considerations.
Within the project, Hertie School Data Science Lab will assess the legal and regulatory risks for medium to long term exploitation of AI-EFFECT with reference to the EU AI Act and other relevant regulations.
Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX is a French Institute for Technological Research established February 1, 2012, in the framework of the “Investment for the Future” program that was set up to support French Innovation. It is focused on complex systems and systems of systems with expertise in human-AI trust and digital twins.
Affiliated Entity
Endesa is the leading company in the Spanish electricity sector and the second-biggest operator in the electricity market in Portugal. E-Distribución supplies electricity in 24 Spanish provinces of 8 autonomous communities (Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Castilla y León and Galicia) and in the autonomous city of Ceuta, reaching a population of more than 21 million inhabitants.
TenneT is the Transmission System Operator in The Netherlands and a significant part of Germany, and owns around 23,900 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables to transport electricity. 42 million homes and businesses rely on TenneTs services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With a service level as high as 99.99%, TenneT has one of the world’s best track records.